Sunday, July 25, 2010


Post-blogger's note: I also use the same 1-10 scale as the 'overall face condition' scale (see last blog) to focus on each individual blemish and rate it according to how bad it looks/estimated healing time (it's pathetic how much time i put into this).

Right now, my face it in one of the worst conditions it's ever been in. i really think i'm getting better though; i've begun exercising great amounts of self-control and will-power. that being said, i have the most spots ever; 11. shit. luckily, none of the spots are 10's, but they're close. for the most part, it's 7-9's.
Anyway. i'm kind of bummed right now; just had to cancel on a friend's birthday party. which sucks, because i've been looking forward to it for months, and it's supposed to be pretty dank. whatever.

i hate myself.


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